English Language Competence

As a result of numerous educational and professional stays in the United Kingdom, as well as my dealing with translational topics of general and professional kind, my English language skills are on a near-native level. This mainly includes particularities of English law and Scots law.

While studying for my law degree, I have on many occasions intensively dealt with Anglo-American legal terminology. After finishing a one-year course on the subject at the University of Potsdam, I was awarded the UNIcert III certificate with distinction. It equals a C1 language competence according to the Common European Framework. The so-called UNIcert system describes the communication of foreign languages on a technical level at European universities.

Subsequent to my specialization in legal English in Germany, I spent an academic year abroad at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). In the course of my studies there, I successfully completed ten courses and seminars on Scottish and international law and was awarded the Certificate of Higher Education in Law (CertHE). This equals the first year of study towards a Scottish Bachelor of Laws (LLB). Among other things, I performed research on comparative legal aspects, for instance how the crime of murder is dealt with in Scotland and Germany.

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After passing my first state exam, the German equivalent of a degree in law, I returned to the University of Aberdeen to complete postgraduate studies in the field of criminal law, international public law, and international justice systems. In 2008, I graduated with distinction with a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Human Rights and Criminal Justice. I further attended translational courses that dealt with a variety of issues in the languages of English and German.

In order to continuously enhance my language competence in English and my skills in translation, I complete seminars and educational courses in a regular manner to be able to offer you the best possible service. Moreover, I am currently preparing for the examination to be a certified translator of the English language.

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