Real Estate / Conveyancing / Land Leases

Real Estate / Conveyancing / Land Leases - 1
Sabrina Bauroth
Lawyer / Legal Counsel / Barrister
Make an enquiry

If you are involved in German real estate or conveyancing transactions of any kind, you might need legal advice on a variety of issues. As an expert in said areas, I am aware that the law of land is a viable source for conflicts between the parties to the case. No matter if you are a first-time buyer in Germany and feel overwhelmed by what is coming to you or if you own a piece of land in Germany and would like to make a lease, I can provide a broad amount of legal support to you and be your competent reference person.

My expertise in immovable property (heritable property) is reflected by being a graduate of the specialist legal course in German construction law and architectural law.

My advice on German real estate, conveyancing and land leases include the following:

For Buyers and Land Owners in Germany:

  • Drafting of conveyancing contracts regarding immovable property in Germany;
  • Thorough assessment of conveyancing contracts before they are closed;
  • Check-ups of contract clauses including the possibility of changing them in your favour and communicating with other parties involved in the case (e.g. notary-public and seller);
  • Legal representation in the whole course of conveyancing;
  • Communication with specialised real estate agents (realtors);
  • Support in terminating existing leases;
  • Drafting of leases;
  • Assessing existing leases

 For Sellers in Germany:

  • Drafting of conveyancing contracts regarding immovable property in Germany;
  • Thorough assessment of conveyancing contracts before they are closed;
  • Co-operation with specialised real estate agents and valuers in order to estimate the best possible price;
  • Support in terminating existing leases;
  • Drafting of tenancies or leases;
  • Assessing existing leases

 For Leaseholders in Germany:

  • Assessing the validity and scope of existing leases, including the leaseholders‘ rights and duties resulting from the contracts
  • Support in terminating existing leases
  • Assessment of notice periods and other periods relating to the lease
  • Communicating with the lessor in cases of conflict
  • Providing advice and representation in judicial proceedings relating to the lease (e.g. eviction proceedings)
  • Scrutinising the existence and scope of rights of pre-emption

When it comes to legal issues in real estate, conveyancing and land leases, I act as a legal consultant all across Germany, meaning I can provide flexible advice wherever you need it. Modern means of communciation, such as email or online meetings, enable you to get in touch with me from afar. Most of my clients have not yet visited my Berlin office and have still been successfully represented by me for a considerable amount of time. Any crucial step is co-ordinated with my clients, meaning there is no impact on my service if we cannot see each other face-to-face. Advising and representing you will always follow your interests and mandate, be confidential, honest and transparent, which explicitly includes the revelation of all the risks your legal case may be confronted with. This taken into account, I can support buyers as well as sellers and leaseholders.


I look forward to your request and to advising on your legal case relating to German real estate, conveyancing and land leases.

Get in touch
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