Execution of German wills

Execution of German wills - 1
Sabrina Bauroth
Lawyer / Legal Counsel / Barrister
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Under German law, the execution of wills (in German: Testamentsvollstreckung) is closely related to inheritance law and estate planning. However, the executor’s duties in Germany differ to those installed under English or Scottish law, as German executors only appear on screen if the deceased made a will and ordered its execution. In other words, the executor is competent for administering the deceased’s last will, e.g. distributing legacies to specific people as ordered or ensuring that the deceased’s real estate is not disposed of. Further, the executor may also be ordered to administrate the inheritance up to a specific future point in time, e.g. when the children of the deceased are out of age or have completed a degree.

As such, the executor is the „deceased reigning from the grave“. Installing executorship ensures that the deceased’s particular wishes as to his property and estate are observed and implemented. In particular, high-conflict relationships between heirs may require executorship after death. There are various possibilities how executorship can become part of a last will and testament.

As a certified German executor ever since 2017, I can be of assistance with comprehensive counselling in this complex legal area. Whatever the matter relating to executorship, e.g. if you may wish to implement it into your will or if you an heir affected by an executor, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

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Anyone can be an executor under German law, but if you decide to choose a certified executor, you know that she knows what she is doing and is aware of her legal duties. Moreover, a certified executor provides the safety required for distributing your inheritance the way you want it.

Get in touch

When appointed as executor or in case of necessary advice relating to executorship, I can support you in the whole of Germany. Thanks to the current technical ways and means, consultation „from afar“ is standard procedure in my office and does not limit the quality of advice given. Any necessary steps can and will be co-ordinated with you, e.g. appointments which require your personal presence. Legal advice and representation will always be client-bound, confidential, honest, transparent and comprehensible.

I am looking forward to your request and to advising you on your legal case relating to executorship.

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